Semper Partners is a multi-family office born out of the trusted relationship between our founders and our founding client families.

We actively nurture and maintain a healthy wealth preservation ecosystem for a select client base with complementary assets and ambitions. 

We place great importance on partner selection and our management team actively facilitates our clients’ every need with attentive, considered service. We call this Generational Wealth Curation.

Our Values

  • We believe that swift, meticulous execution and clear outcomes of daily services are the bedrock of a healthy long-term relationship.

  • Our client list is selective, and our relationships long-term and deeply personal. New clients, regardless of their net worth, provide an opportunity to enhance our existing networks.

  • We believe that to be successful, we should be extensions of the families that partner with us. Always available, totally discreet, and completely trusted.

Our Advantages

Increased opportunity

Semper facilitates a culture of active opportunity creation. Via a collaborative and secure environment, select, matched clients benefit from a cross-pollination of ideas and opportunities for co-investment.

Strong foundations for a new world

Semper enjoys the advantage of founding clients with a demonstrated track record of value creation who are active in developing their legacies over generations.

Agile, unencumbered, bespoke solutions

Our open architecture ensures we are not bound via incentives to any single service provider, creating the dual benefit of exposure to a diversity of world-class inputs, whilst reducing inefficiencies by centralising service delivery. Headquartered in Switzerland, we leverage technologies to offer best-in-class, stable, secure, and discreet wealth management services for a global audience.